The Institute for Color Research published a study concluding that people make lasting judgements about content within their first 90 seconds of exposure, with a disproportionate share of this judgement dictated by the colors the content employs in conveying its message. For those who handle content creation in-house, consider that well-designed digital signage content reflects on the implications of color research and crafts a color strategy to attract attention, spark emotional reaction, and call consumers to action.

When determining your color strategy for digital signage content, it is recommended to start by choosing a pair of colors opposite each other on the standard 12-spoke color wheel. Colors opposite one another on the wheel will have a high degree of contrast, which ensures that your content will stand out no matter what. Employing these two colors in a rough 7:3 ratio will establish the implicit psychological tone of your dominant color while allowing consumers’ eyes to rest on the accenting secondary color, which will shine in its smaller role. Finding the right balance between colors within your scheme is imperative to appearing professional, direct, and focused to consumers. Consider their needs as well as your own, and spend time solidifying which colors are best for getting your message across. NanoLumens LED display technology shines bright enough that your colors will fill the entire room, so it is crucial to choose the right ones.

Red evokes immediate strong feelings of passion, warmth, and energy. Widely used within the fast food industry for its penchant to inspire hunger, red has a tendency to appear nearer than it actually is, drawing in attention. Though heavily associated with speed and physicality, red also ignites fear, anger, and danger in certain applications.

Yellow is the easiest color for human beings to see, and is the first color infants respond to. A strong stimulus, yellow inspires optimism and confidence. As a result, yellow is famously used as the color of city cabs, an industry that relies on its perceived ability to knowledgeably transport customers from place to place. Yellow can evoke feelings of happiness, but can also indicate weakness and fragility if overused.

Orange inspires vitality, and is often associated with positive motivation and zestful enthusiasm. Combining the power and energy of red with the friendliness of yellow, studies have shown that orange evokes a strong association with fun, though it can come across as cheap, too.

Green, more than any other color, represents balance. In nature, green indicates the presence of life, and therefore, of water. Green evokes feelings of restoration, of health, and of growth. Used to inspire a sense of lively dynamism, green indicates safety and fulfillment.

Blue is the most popular color on the spectrum, despite being classified as one of the wheel’s “cooler” colors opposite the warmer reds, yellows, and oranges. Blue evokes feelings of trust and dependability, and is often thought of as more cerebral than emotional. One of the last colors to be seen, blue can imbue a sense of stately, yet distanced intellectualism, a reason why it is often used by financial institutions looking to convey a sense of security.

Purple was the color of choice amongst the Roman royalty, and still carries associations with wealth and luxury. A combination of the passions of red and the stability of blue, purple is a spiritual and physical color that often inspires creativity and imagination.

Brown is seen as a reliable, if dull, color. It evokes feelings of structure, protection, and solemnity. According to studies, brown feels safe, but can come across as cheap or unimaginative in some applications. The firms that employ brown as their primary color often rely on their reputation of seriousness and reliability.

White evokes cleanliness, and as a result is often used as a backdrop to highlight other, more dynamic colors. White is associated with innocence and simplicity, but can inspire thoughts of emptiness in certain use cases as well. The absence of all color, white can seem empty, a perception that can be used to motivate creativity or to inspire reflection.

Black is the combination of all other colors. It is used to evoke depth, seriousness, and sophistication, but can also be used to convey sadness, fear, and mourning. Black is stylish and bold, but can seem recessive and quiet as well. Despite popular belief, black is not actually slimming in and of itself; it simply makes shadows less noticeable.

Color is a powerful tool that must be wielded prudently in order to create effective digital signage content. If too many colors are used, content can look overly busy and jumbled, confusing a consumer and sabotaging any call to action the content may contain. If too few are used, the content can appear empty, or bland. Properly designed content should employ colors that convey the exact messaging a company aims for, inspiring the emotions and attitudes the company deems most effective in turning leads into conversions. The brilliance of NanoLumens LED displays will allow your colors to outshine the sun, so choosing the right scheme is more important than ever. To learn more about how NanoLumens LED displays can transform the way your business uses color and take a deep dive into the importance of color on your LED display, please download our white paper: LED Displays and Expert Calibration