I’m a 40 year old man that is hopelessly, and will more than likely be, forever addicted to all forms of video games. That sounds suspiciously like something I should be uttering in front of a support group, but I make no excuses for my behavior. I remember the first time I walked into the NanoLumens show room. My first thought was Skyrm, a video game set in a mythical world where you can do nearly anything you want up to and including beating a dragon in the face with an ax, would look awesome on the nine foot tall 2.5 pixel pitch LED display that we have featured there. Ironically enough, two days later we had a high end car manufacturer come in for a demo. In order to really knock their socks off, we hooked up an Xbox One to it, fired up the game FORZA 5 (a racing game that allows you to drive some of the world’s most sought after vehicles), created a customized car that they manufactured, slapped NanoLumens logos on it and let them drive around the south of France. The look on their faces was priceless.

Since I have a background in customizing and building custom gaming PC’s, my natural inclination was to learn about all things involved with getting high end content (games) to run as smoothly as possible, and to look beautiful. An article on eBay gave an apples to apples comparison on the LED vs LCD and their conclusion was clear “…For professionals in graphic design, computer animation, video editing, and the like, and for gaming and sports enthusiasts, the LED monitor is better.” At 1920×1080 resolution, the LED display was able to support a contrast ratio almost 10x greater than the LCD display.

Recently while in the UK, I had a meeting with a team of consultants that are working with an end user to produce a ‘holodeck’ using LED technology. Essentially, they would like to have to have a room that has LED displays mounted on the walls and ceiling. A person would enter, step onto an omni-directional treadmill and be able to literally run through a virtual world. Applications like the VR Cave and VIPE Holodeck have used LCD and projector technology to bring these kinds of virtual worlds to life. But with the advent of NanoLumens flexible Nixels, and the coming release of the flexible 2.5 pixel pitch displays, end users are seeing more and more opportunities to use LED versus the competing technologies because they will be able to display a higher quality of content which will lead to even more immersive experiences.

I am looking forward to a day when I can walk into a room, flip a switch, and walk on the floor of the ocean, or the surface of the moon, or some other high resolution alien landscape that a designer conceived. And with the invention of haptic technologies (technology which recreates the sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations, or motions to the user), I will be able to have a fully immersive experience without the need of bulky head gear like the Oculus Rift.