As the digital display industry expands and evolves, businesses and organizations who never thought they’d be able to own a display feature will find the tech they’ve been dreaming of is more accessible than they could’ve imagined. Digital displays are finding their ways into more markets than ever before as the technology advances and manufacturers create things more easily integratable into new environments. One factor driving the proliferation of display tech is how incredibly versatile it is. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you run, or what the shape of your lobby is, or what sort of architectural challenges your space presents; digital display tech will likely work for you. Within the larger display industry, it is fairly widely known that LED display tech has several operational advantages over rival display technologies. It is brighter, lighter, and more energy-efficient than its competitors. If you dive deeper into that discussion though you will find that among LED manufacturers, NanoLumens takes these advantages (and more) and maximizes them to a level that none of our industry competitors are able to. The area where we hold the greatest advantage over our competitors –just like LED tech in general holds over its challengers- is in versatility.

There are a few installations in particular that illustrate our superiority in this regard, but rather than covering those it is more worthwhile here to mention how our versatility leads us to conduct our business. Because our display solutions are capable of integrating seamlessly into just about any environment, we approach each project entirely independently. There is no need for us to try to shoehorn the needs of one project to fit the specs of a previous one because every display solution we make is wholly unique. We advertise that we can create display solutions in any size, shape, or curvature but really we do more than that. We allow designers, architects, and artists to think in any size, shape, or curvature, and then we take those ideas and turn them into a reality. What is most critical to understand about the versatility of our solutions is not how many different things we can build, but how many different ways our clients and partners are able to dream. For every experiential graphic designer who has thought, “I wonder if…,” our answer is “yes.” That’s where the versatility of NanoLumens LED really makes its case. Not because of what it can do, but because of what you can do with it. To check out one installation in particular that really showcases this concept, check out our case study for our work on “The Flower” in Toronto Pearson Airport.