Nanolumens invites you to attend a cocktail mixer, networking and live panel event: Creating Compelling Digital Experiences

Imagine it—a captivating video wall, a digital canvas, immerses visitors as they enter a corporate lobby, and another video wall is integrated into the physical structure and wraps around corners and down the hall creating a calming effect while sharing important information. A series of video walls at a university help cheer on the home team and engage fans, while a room of interactive walls tells the story of alums, other video walls help visitors find their way around the campus. Generative content covers nearly the complete façade of a corporate structure in the middle of a city, projecting the company’s core values through digital art.

It might be easy to imagine. But where and how do you begin? This panel brings together experts from the complete digital experience ecosystem to discuss how to combine powerful content, a dynamic canvas, and intelligent control.

  • Working with content teams
  • Understanding the digital canvas—the video wall
  • Thinking outside the box, integrating the digital canvas into the architecture
  • Working with design and integration teams
  • Managing content

Enjoy some light bites and drinks as you network with a community of design and technology experts.

Bring your questions. This is going to be an exciting conversation.